in God
beloved mother.
my only beloved sister
born. April 9, 1847
died. April 16, 1916.

Amalie Masuch is a somewhat enigmatic person. She died at the age of 69 on 16 April 1916, identified on the one hand as the daughter of a propertyless farm worker, the instmann Karl Kullick, on the other hand as the widow of a valet of the counts Lehndorff in Groß Steinort.[1] This valet or chamberlain may have been Rudolf Masuch, who died on 11 January 1912 at the age of 64 in Groß Steinort.[2] However, there was also an Amalie, who was baptized on 8 April 1847 as the daughter of the instmann Samuel Kullick and his wife Louise née Wilewska in the church of Rosengarten. This Amalie married an instmann called Rudolf Masuch and had numerous children with him.[3] What makes the story all the more puzzling is that apart from the entry in the church register, which records her death, no further information is known about the chamberlain’s wife Amalie. So who were the children and siblings named on the grave cross?