The village of Lippa in the Johannisburg Heath was not founded until 1690. It belonged to the so-called “Schatulldörfer” (treasury villages), which were established to supplement the then scarce Prussian treasury. The village was situated on the Niedersee (Jezioro Nidzkie) and, like Pasken, consisted of two parts: Vorder-Lippa and Hinter-Lippa. Probably many inhabitants emigrated to the industrial centers of the Ruhr area during the 1920s and 1930s, because the population of all of Lippa decreased from 158 in 1925 to only 106 in 1939; a development that can be observed similarly in many surrounding villages. In 1938 the National Socialists renamed the village Oppendorf. In the cemetery of Vorder-Lippa there are still 15 earth graves preserved, which hardly stand out against the surrounding forest. The larger cemetery of Hinter-Lippa with its few preserved graves is the clearest sign of the 250-year history of the village.