Katharina Salewski

Katharina Salewski, née Gonschorrek, died on September 22, 1878 at the age of 78.[1] Her grave is located on the left side of the cemetery, relatively centered opposite the former gate. Katharina was married to Friedrich Salewski[2] whose gravestone can also be found in the cemetery. The graves of the two are not directly next to each other, but not far away from each other. Both gravestones are simple, unadorned and show only the initials of the first name, the last name and the year of death. They are the only gravestones in the cemetery that are designed in this way.

In 1852 Katharina and Friedrich Salewski signed a contract of sale with Samuel Salewski, but he did not pay at least part of the purchase price. The debts were registered on the property and were still outstanding a good 30 years later.[3] It was not until 1886 that they and the Ausgedinge[4] for Katharina and Friedrich – who had been dead for eight and eighteen years, respectively, by that time – were cancelled.[5] Whether Samuel Salewski was a son of the two or came from one of the other Salewski families[6] from Klein Pasken can no longer be reconstructed. The first mention of a Salewski family in Klein Pasken is found at the end of the 18th century [7], until their flight in 1945 Salewskis lived continuously in the village.[8]

K. Salewski


Copyright: Marta Akincza

[1] Cf. death register [sic], Standesamt zu Gehsen, Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie (APO) 42/1745/1, <http://olsztyn.ap.gov.pl/baza/skany.php?z=1745&s=1> (last accessed 27.02.2021), sheet 22f. In the death register she is listed as Catharina Salewski. Since her first name on her gravestone is written with K, the text follows this spelling.

[2] Cf. ibid.

[3] Cf. land records of the district court Johannisburg, APO 295/2778, sheet 9f.

[4] When a farm was passed on to the next generation, the Ausgedinge or Altenteil was the old-age provision of the previous owners, cf. Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch Online, entry Altenteil: <https://drw-www.adw.uni-heidelberg.de/drw-cgi/zeige?index=lemmata&term=altenteil#Altenteil> (last accessed 20.07.2021).

[5] Cf. APO 295/2778, sheet 18.

[6] For example, there was still a Catharina Salewski, née Schuckna, with her children Wilhelmine and Adam, and the married couple Gottlieb and Caroline Salewski, née Dobinnus, also with a daughter named Wilhelmine, cf. APO 295/2778, sheets 1 – 3.

[7] Cf. APO 295/2776, Actum Klein Pasken d. 16ten April 1787, no page given. The family is called Zallewski there.

[8] Cf. Lastenausgleichsakten Friedrich Salewski, Bundesarchiv Lastenausgleichsarchiv (BA LAA), ZLA 1/15658324.