Here rest in God
Our dear children
Waldtraut Trojan Renate Trojan
* 17.1.1941 * 16.4.1940
† 1.6.1941 † 2.6.1940
Slumber gently beloved children both
Only a short time you were the joy of your parents [1]
The graves of Waldtraut and Renate Trojan are located at the southwest edge of the cemetery. They are clearly children’s graves, the borders are only 70 cm x 50 cm. Both grave borders are made of dark terrazzo and have a common gravestone.
In Wilken there were several families with the name Trojan. August and Auguste Trojan, née Synofzik [2], Gustav and Martha Trojan, née Lipka, with their four sons [3], Ewald and Berta Trojan, née Skrodzki [4], with six children, Johann and Wilhelmine Trojan, née Plata, with their son Gustav, and Emil and Gertrud Trojan, née Korth, with one daughter.[5] However, it is unclear who were the parents of Waldtraut and Renate. Both girls lived only a few months and died in infancy.
[1] Georg Büschges u.a.: Wilken/Wilkenhof – Dorfgeschichten eines Friedhofs, in: Znad Pisy. Wydawnictwo poświęcone ziemi piskiej 27 (2021) – in print, no page given
[2] Residents list for Wilken, Bundesarchiv Lastenausgleichsarchiv (BA LAA) OSTDOK 3, Nr. 153, sheet 214f.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Grundakten des Amtsgerichts Johannisburg, Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie (APO) 295/4277, sheet 83 and Namensliste Wilken, BA LAA OSTDOK 3, Nr. 153, sheet 214f.
[5] Residents list for Wilken, BA LAA OSTDOK 3, Nr. 153, sheet 214f and APO 295/4278, sheet 93f.